Liverpool Waste Management
Welcome to Liverpool Waste Management, one of the leading trade waste companies currently operating in the greater Merseyside area and supplying our extensive range of services to our cherished customers.
On this website you will hopefully be able to find out about our revered extensive range of services that we’re willing to offer you and your business or establishment. However, if you have any other queries then please get in contact with us immediately at 0151 321 1560 or mail us directly at the address listed in the Contact Us page.
Liverpool Waste Management can help you with Commercial Waste Management for your business or establishment, or more personal matters such as your home. As part of our dedication to a Personal Service Way Of Trade Waste Management we can save you cash. So don’t rekindle your current waste management contract until you speak to us here Liverpool Waste Management.
Liverpool Waste Management also deals with contamination and clear-up projects. Our in house technical team work with selected partners to supply complete solutions from start to finish for cleaning up polluted sites and removing polluted land.
Our focus would be to supply tailored solutions using the very best kinds of technology to give our clients the most effective cost effective results in accordance with Waste and Health & Safety legislation.
Previous re-mediation projects include: land decontamination to eliminate asbestos in a culvert, large-scale soil removals to decontaminate petroleum polluted land, installation of treatment procedures to decontaminate landfill leachate and various projects to decontaminate and remove tanks and hazardous wastes from both old and active factories.
For a free quotation and information on land decontamination complete our online enquiry form. If you still have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Liverpool Waste Management at 0151 321 1560 or contact us directly by mail. Thank you.